to accelerate the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) development
through better connecting of the existing potentials within the Region.
The project:
- promoted territorial integration of the North-West Russia and Kaliningrad into the Baltic Sea Region through joint spatial planning and development actions in the priority fields such as business development, transport and ICT development as well as in the sea use planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management,
- diminished knowledge gaps within the Region on the character of development potential, its synergies and complementarities with potentials of other countries of the region, and on methods how this potential can be efficiently connected with the potentials of the regional partners,
- served VASAB as a useful tool for its main goal to prepare the Long Term Perspective for spatial development of the BSR till 2030, in line with the encouragement of the Council of the Baltic Sea States.
The project duration: 16 June 2007 - 15 December 2008.
The outputs:
- Assessment of unused innovation potential in NW Russia and recommendations on policy improvements for innovations in NW Russia from the BSR perspective;
- Identification of spatial problems generated by innovation and in/out sourcing in NW Russia and assessment of their potential for the BSR integration;
- Assessment of accessibility and trade flow perspective of NW Russia;
- Policy recommendations on contribution of NW Russia to the joint efforts to improve connectivity and accessibility of the BSR;
- Recommendations for improvement of the transnational planning methodologies in the field of transport and ICT development in the BSR;
- Assessment of legal framework for co-operation of NW Russia in transnational sea use planning and ICZM;
- Sea use register in Russia with relevant maps/GIS application;
- Policy recommendations on legislative changes leading to involvement of Russian institutions in the management system for sea use planning and ICZM at the BSR level;
- Recommendations on upgrading the instruments and tools for transnational sea use planning and ICZM accumulated at the BSR level based on the completed pilot activities;
- Proposals for future investments in NW Russia in the fields of knowledge-based economy, transport and ICT;
- Acknowledgment of the results at the political level (e.g. Northern Dimension, BDF, Baltic 21, VASAB, CBSS summits);
- Institutional framework for co-operation with other BSR countries in the transnational sea use planning and ICZM.
Project partners:
- Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government, Latvia - Responsible Partner
- Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Germany
- Ministry of Regional Development, Poland
- Agency for Spatial and Environment Planning, Denmark
- Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development, Sweden
- Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Poland
- St. Petersburg City Administration, Russia
- Immanuel Kant State University of Russia and
- Russian Economic Developers Association (ASSET), Russia.
The project was divided into three WORK PACKAGES:
- WORK PACKAGE 1: Business development and innovation affecting spatial development - led by the Danish Agency for Spatial and Environment Planning.
- WORK PACKAGE 2: Enhancing accessibility - led by the Latvian Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government.
- WORK PACKAGE 3: Transnational sea use planning and ICZM - led by the Polish Ministry of Regional Development.
The total budget of the project: 503 104 EUR. 75% of the project budget was financed by the European Union Grant - BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood programme - TACIS strand.