FEDERAL LEVEL Dr. Josiane Meier Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building European Spatial Development Policy / Territorial Cohesion Alt Moabit 140, D-10557 Berlin Phone: +49 30 18 681 14263 E-mail: josiane.meier@bmwsb.bund.de www.bmwsb.bund.de Mr. Jens Kurnol Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development Deichmanns Aue 31-37 D-53179 BONN Phone: +49 228 99 401 2304 E-mail: jens.kurnol@bbr.bund.de www.bbsr.bund.de MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN Ms. Gabriele Hoffmann Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Johannes-Stelling-Strasse 14 19053 Schwerin Phone: + 49 385 588 8043 E-mail: g.hoffmann@wm.mv-regierung.de www.regierung-mv.de SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Ministry of the Interior Dusternbrooker Weg 104 D-24105 KIEL…
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