During the periods between the Ministerial Conferences VASAB is steered by the Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region (CSPD/BSR). The Committee is composed of the senior representatives of the respective ministries as well as of regional authorities in Germany adjacent to the Baltic Sea (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein Lands). Participation of Belarus and Russia (and its north-west regions – Kaliningrad, Pskov, Leningrad Oblasts and St. Petersburg) is suspended from 4 March 2022.

Until October 2009 the Committee was named the Committee on Spatial Development of the Baltic Sea Region (CSD/BSR). The first Committee met in 1995 in Warsaw. In 1992-1994 similar functions were performed by the Group of Focal Points.

The main purpose of the Committee is to offer a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in spatial planning, to support Ministers to create common spatial policy perspective, to promote practical projects and to cooperate with other pan-Baltic organisations.

Rules of Procedure of the VASAB Cooperation are adopted by the VASAB CSPD/BSR on 25 February 2022.



VASAB CSPD/BSR chairmanship is based on the CBSS chairmanship rotation principle.

During 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 is chaired by Mr Tiit Oidjärv, Estonia. Priorities of the Chairmanship are available HERE.

Previously VASAB Committee had following chairs:

  • Mr Jan Kuligowski (PL): December 1992 – February 1994
  • Ms Sirka Hautojärvi (FI): February 1994 – December 1994
  • Mr Jacek Szlachta (PL): January 1995 – June 1995
  • Mr Bo Kjellen (SE): July 1995 – June 1996
  • Ms Dzintra Upmace (LV): July 1996 – June 1997
  • Mr Niels Østergård (DK): July 1997 – June 1998
  • Mr Aleksandras Gordevicius (LT): July 1998 – June 1999
  • Mr Terje Lind (NO): July 1999 – June 2000
  • Mr Bernhard Heinrichs (DE): July 2000 – October 2001
  • Mr Sergey Narishkin (RU): November 2001 – June 2002
  • Ms Ulla Koski (FI): July 2002 – June 2003
  • Mr Allan Gromov (EE): July 2003 – June 2004
  • Mr Zbigniew Rykowski (PL): July 2004 – December 2005
  • Mr Olle Lundgren (SE): January 2006 – June 2007
  • Mr Edgars Zalāns / Mr Gunārs Ansiņš (LV): July 2007 – June 2008
  • Mr Peter Pouplier (DK): July 2008 – June 2009
  • Mr Aleksandras Gordevicius (LT): July 2009 – June 2010
  • Mr Arve Skjerpen (NO): July 2010 – June 2011
  • Mr Wilfried Görmar (DE): July 2011 – June 2012
  • Ms Elena Chuguyevskaya (RU): July 2012 – June 2013
  • Ms Ulla Koski (FI): July 2013 – June 2014
  • Ms Martina Proosa / Ms Katri-Liis Ennok (EE): July 2014 – June 2015
  • Mr Jacek Zaucha (PL): July 2015 – December 2016
  • Mr Olov Schultz (SE): January 2017 – June 2018
  • Mr Gunārs Ansiņš (LV): July 2018 – June 2019
  • Ms Gitte Mondrup (DK) / Ms. Mathilde Ankerstjerne Caspersen (DK): July 2019 – June 2020
  • Mr Dainius Čergelis (LT): July 2020 – December 2021
  • Mr Daniel Meltzian (DE): January 2022 – June 2023
  • Ms Anna-Leena Seppälä (FI): July 2023 – June 2024


To ensure continuity of actions and prepare CSPD meetings, a Troika format is used. VASAB Troika is composed of the representatives of the previous, present and upcoming holder of the chairmanship.

At the moment Finland, Estonia and Poland are the members of the Troika.