10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Gdansk
10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Gdansk
About event
10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region will be held on 12-13 June 2019 in Gdansk, Poland. More information about the Forum is available HERE.
Join the HA Spatial Planning & PA Transport seminar
What will demographic changes bring to BSR accessibility?
Seminar at the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 2019
Time: Thursday, 13 June 2019, 13:15 – 14:45
Workshop will look at sharing-mobility solutions for both densely and sparsely populated areas combined with spatial planning tools, identified and promoted in various projects and discuss regional development perspective and lessons learned from current approaches tackling accessibility challenges.
Recent studies and projects show that BSR is facing an internal polarization of accessibility caused by rapid growth of metropolitan areas and shrinking of rural and remote areas. Therefore the mobility in sparsely, as well as in densely populated areas requires for place-sensitive, effective, sustainable, innovative solutions to provide access to key services, activities, employment opportunities and commercial possibilities.
Answering the demographic changes, new mobility patterns have arisen in BSR – starting from shared community car or transport on demand for rural citizens to complex and integrated mobility systems in metropolitan areas in order to balance available resources and sustain or even increase the efficiency of mobility with regard to territorial cohesion, the quality of life and sustainable economic development.
Workshop will observe the spatial challenges and consequences for accessibility in the BSR due to the demographic changes and will discuss the existing “sharing economy” solutions tackling these challenges both in sparsely populated rural regions and in dynamic metropolitan areas.
Workshop participants will have a chance to get to know and discuss the changing patterns of mobility due to the demographic changes in the BSR, as well as acknowledge how spatial planning tools can be applied to increase the effectiveness of mobility.
Workshop will engage local actors representing towns/regions off the beaten tracks (corridors) and offer them a platform to talk about their needs.
Organizers: VASAB Secretariat – coordinator of EUSBSR Horizontal Action “Spatial Planning”, Coordinator of PA Transport, “BSR Access” Platform
Contacts: Ms. Liene Stikane, liene.stikane@vasab.org, +37126441064
Download agenda, presentations and summary below.