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7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR “One Region, One Future – Vision 2030 for the Baltic Sea Region”, Stockholm, Sweden

7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR “One Region, One Future – Vision 2030 for the Baltic Sea Region”, Stockholm, Sweden

8 - 9 November 2016

7th Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR “One Region, One Future – Vision 2030 for the Baltic Sea Region”, Stockholm, Sweden

About event

VASAB is actively involved by co-organizing two political seminars:
1. Saving and using the sea – connecting decision makers and actors through maritime spatial planning
The seminar is focused towards enhancing the role of policy makers in MSP. This political seminar discusses ways of 1) showing what maritime spatial planning could do for the region, 2) connecting actors, and 3) increasing political ownership. Each question will be introduced through background information from VASAB and findings from the Baltic SCOPE collaboration.
Moderator: Jacek Zaucha, Chairman of the VASAB CSPD/BSR
Time: 15.00-16:20 Tuesday, 8 November
Venue: Lindgrenrummet
More information on the seminar available on the EUSBSR Forum website HERE.
2.  ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’. Tools for monitoring the BSR development
To deepen knowledge about the development in the Baltic Sea Region the report ‘Trends, challenges and potentials in the Baltic Sea Region’ will be presented and discussed during the seminar. The report includes results from two monitoring tools: the BSR Territorial Monitoring System and the Baltic Sea Region Regional Potential Index.
Johanna Giorgi, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Åsa Hildestrand, Nordregio
Time: 10:40-12:00 Wednesday, 9 November
Venue: Sjöläget
More information on the seminar available on the EUSBSR Forum website HERE.
VASAB representatives are also taking part at the seminars:

1. Looking towards 2030 – from foresight to vision (Time: 15:00-16:20, Tuesday 8 November; Venue: Polhem (access by Milles); more information HERE.

2. Perspectives for EU-Russia cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (Time: 10:40-12:00, Tuesday 9 November; Venue: Riddarsalen; more information HERE.

VASAB is visible also at the Creative Lounge of the Forum.

VASAB is taking part in the Hot Seat / interview seminar ‘Which way is up?’. Taking part at 15:00-15:30. Young scientists take on key regional actors about desired future options for the Baltic Sea. More information HERE.

The Horizontal Action ‘Spatial planning’ will be represented during the one of the Macro-regional Matchmaking sessions on 8 November.
Also, the set of the Horizontal Action ‘Spatial Planning’ supported or promoted projects will be presented at the digital projects showcase:
  • Baltic SCOPE project (Flagship project of HA “Spatial Planning”);
  • BEA-APP project (Flagship project of HA “Spatial Planning”);
  • Baltic LINes project (Flagship project of HA “Spatial Planning”);
  • Polish – German Interaction Area 2030.
The participants of the Forum are invited to try the digital tool on MSP developed during Baltic SCOPE project to dive deeper into transboundary cooperation and cross-border challenges.
More information on the Forum available on the EUSBSR Forum website HERE.