BSR Mobility Summit 2020
BSR Mobility Summit 2020
About event
An online joint mobility conference of BSR electric, cities.multimodal and SUMBA projects will take place on 8-10 September 2020, online.
This three-day on-line joint mobility conference is hosted by three projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region: BSR electric, cities.multimodal and SUMBA.
For three days from 10h to 15h CET we invite you to take part in engaging discussions and workshops, see and hear exciting presentations and participate in virtual tours. We will learn how these three different projects feed into the emerging sustainable mobility patchwork and discuss what is the role of an active interaction among the wider sustainable mobility community in building sustainable mobility in the region.
In addition we will host the first ever online mobility party with a DJ, great music, dancing and chit-
chat about projects.
SAVE THE DATE to mix with Baltic Sea Region mobility stars!
Registration is open HERE.
Visit the event’s website for newest updates: http://www.mobilitysummit2020.eu/