Capacity4MSP Workshop: Vision and Strategies for Coherent MSP Framework
Capacity4MSP Workshop: Vision and Strategies for Coherent MSP Framework
About event
The online workshop ‘Vision and Strategies for Coherent MSP Framework’ took place on 2 December 2021, 9-12 CET. Workshop was organised within the project platform Capacity4MSP in a close cooperation with process of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective update.
How would a desired Baltic Sea look like by 2040? How do we envision the maritime spatial planning and management by 2040? What do we wish to look different from today?
Visions and scenario processes are a powerful approach to imagine desirable futures, often used at the initial stages of the MSP process. VASAB has been one of the pioneers in developing visions, dating back to the first VASAB vision ‘VASAB 2010. Towards a Framework for Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region’ in 1994. Recently, VASAB launched the update of its Long-Term Perspective for the Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region – strategic spatial planning document targeted towards territorial coherence in 2040.
The workshop presented VASAB work towards coherent MSP Framework in the Baltic Sea and shared existing practices in visioning processes in MSP, identified by Capacity4MSP project platform and applied practice around the Baltic Sea Region countries. Building on shared experience, the workshop proceeded with co-creative work for the update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective. Going through the four metaphors of the vision, i.e., the pearls, the strings, the patches and the system, each representing a different territorial element, participants shared their views how these metaphors are related to MSP and what should be addressed by VASAB Vision 2040.
Workshop materials are available below.
Workshop agenda
Opening and welcome
*all times listed in CET
By moderator Jacek Zaucha
From VASAB Vision and Strategies to coherent MSP framework
Elina Veidemane, VASAB Secretariat
MSP visions – main conclusions by the Capacity4MSP project platform
Jacek Zaucha, Maritime Institute of Gdynia Maritime University
MSP visions across the Baltic Sea countries
Shared views & practices by BSR countries.
Moderated discussion
Coffee break
Insight into emerging trends in the Baltic Sea
New elements to be taken into consideration for next MSP cycle.
Moderated discussion
Introduction to the update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective
Maria Toptsidou, Spatial Foresight
Participatory session: input to VASAB Vision 2040
Maria Toptsidou, Spatial Foresight
Wrap-up & Concluding Remarks & Next steps
Jacek Zaucha, Maria Toptsidou, Elina Veidemane
Bookings are closed for this event.
Capacity4MSP Workshop: Vision and Strategies for Coherent MSP Framework
Workshop materials
Workshop Agenda
DownloadPresentation 'From VASAB Vision and Strategies to Coherent MSP Framework' by Elina Veidemane
DownloadPresentation 'MSP Visions - Main Conclusions by the Capacity4MSP Project Platform' by Jacek Zaucha
DownloadPresentation 'Introduction to the Update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective' by Maria Toptsidou
DownloadMentimeter Results - Vision and Strategies for Coherent MSP Framework
DownloadWorkshop Report