Conference MSP NATURE 2020 – POSTPONED
Berlin, Germany
Conference MSP NATURE 2020 – POSTPONED
About event
The Conference MSP NATURE 2020 on the integration of Nature Conservation into Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) will take place in Berlin, Germany. The dates are postponed and more information will follow.
MSP Nature 2020 shall serve as a platform in order to present and discuss different aspects of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) applying an Ecosystem-BasedApproach (EBA). A particular emphasis will be given to marine Nature Conservation. The Conference will engage a wide range of interested stakeholders, public administrations, research and academia.
The conference is jointly organized by the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
More information and online registration can be found http://msp-nature-2020.ioer.eu/
Contact: Veranstaltungen@ioer.de