ESPON BT2050 workshop, Riga
Elizabetes street 73, Riga, Latvia, Latvia
ESPON BT2050 workshop, Riga
About event
An innovative and interactive role-playing workshop in the framework of the VASAB (macro-regional cooperation on spatial planning and development in the Baltic Sea Region) initiated ESPON project “Territorial Scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region 2050” will be held on 4 June 2019 (15:00-19:00) in Riga. A workshop with inspiring colleagues to provoke thinking out of the box, stimulate food for thought and develop creative ideas.
Imagine of a workshop, where each participant forgets about his actual role, profession or even name and takes part in an innovative, real life simulation role-playing game to discuss possible futures for the Baltic Sea Region in thirty years’ time.
What Baltic Sea Region would the different players be happy to live in 2050? A region, where…
… climate change has been addressed, and the Baltic Sea is again a liveable space for a variety of species thanks to ecological conservatism.
… nuclear fusion is the main energy supply bringing several economic benefits.
… renewable energy is widely used.
… there is a material world with most jobs automated resulting in high unemployment.
… there’s office control and citizens’ surveillance and more security.
… citizens become climate change migrants.
… young generations suffer from anxiety and high stress levels in pursuit of hyper-capitalism.
… income generated by robots is redistributed to all people.
… sharing and circular economies thrive and the Baltic Sea Regio is the main exporter of bio and organic products, as people moved to an eco-lifestyles metamorphosis.
… direct democracy and bottom-up visions is common practice thanks to technological advancements.
… face-to-face high education is only offered for the rich.
Could these statements be true or false? Would they be right or wrong? For whom would they be most relevant? Are there alternatives? What are other options and what are the consequences? What territories will be affected the most? What role can VASAB play in creating a desirable future for the Baltic Sea Region and its citizens? How can VASAB be prepared to address the future developments?
These are only a few example statements of what will be discussed. It is up to participants to discuss and debate on four possible future scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region in 2050 and their spatial implications. Role profiles, instructions, relevant maps and facts and figures from the project will be prepared for the participants by the project team. No prior preparation of participants is necessary. The workshop aims to support the VASAB members in their work of designing and implementing sound policies for the future of the Baltic Sea Region.
You can register to the event at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BT2050workshop
A confirmation email will be sent to you as soon as possible after your registration. For any questions on the workshop, please contact Maria Toptsidou (maria.toptsidou@spatialforesight.eu / +352 691 873206).