Join training on land-sea interactions in spatial planning!
Join training on land-sea interactions in spatial planning!
About event
Land-Sea-Act project will organize transnational training on land-sea interactions in spatial planning for planners and policy makers in Baltic Sea Region. For all interested in tools and practices for the enhancement and acceleration the Blue Growth in coastal areas, this workshop will provide informative, intensive and interactive knowledge exchange.
20 October 2021 14:00–17:00 EEST (13:00 – 16:00 CEST)
21 October 2021 10:00–16:00 EEST (9:00 -15:00 CEST)
Online, broadcasted from Tallinn, Estonia
For whom: planners and policy makers in Baltic Sea Region (e.g. from municipalities, regions, state institutions, NGOs)
Estimated number of participants: 25–30
Format: a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops and hands-on experiences
Aim: capacity building
Input: the project partners and some invited experts will share their ideas and skills in handling multiple interests related to land-sea interactions in coastal areas.
Topics include: relations between spatial planning and Blue Economies; climate adaptation and trade-off analysis in Blue Growth; ecosystem services approach; enhancement of small and medium-sized enterprises; coastal tourism and mobility; participatory planning; cultural values in coastal and maritime planning; scenario building, etc.
During the training, the participants will be also asked to provide input to strategic recommendations of the Land-Sea-Act project.
Upon active participation a certificate of completion of training will be issued.
More information on the website: land-sea.eu
Contact person for more information:
Anu Printsmann
Centre for Landscape and Culture
School of Humanities
Tallinn University
e-mail: anu.printsmann@tlu.ee