Nordic-Baltic Migration Conference 2020 ‘Cross-Border Mobility in the Nordic-Baltic Region’
Nordic-Baltic Migration Conference 2020 ‘Cross-Border Mobility in the Nordic-Baltic Region’
About event
The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the University of Tartu and the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia invite you to attend the online conference to be held 18 September 2020 at 10.00-13.00 – Nordic-Baltic Migration Conference 2020 „Cross-Border Mobility in the Nordic-Baltic Region“.
The eighth Nordic-Baltic migration conference focusses on the challenges of migration policies, including the role of cross-border mobility in the Nordic-Baltic region. The conference will be moderated by Professor Raul Eamets, the Dean of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu.
Speakers from Estonia, the Nordic and Baltic countries will talk about how has cross-border cooperation and mobility affected the development of the Nordic-Baltic region, how do countries cooperate in supporting cross-border mobility in the Nordic region and if this could be a source of inspiration for the Baltic countries. Nordic and Baltic speakers will discuss the impact of mobility and migration on destination countries based on the Nordic experience, and about migration trends in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Professor Jussi Jauhiainen from the University of Turku will deliver the first key-note speech on mobility between Estonia and Finland. Claes Håkansson, Senior Adviser to the Nordic Council of Ministers, will talk about Nordic countries´ cooperation in removing barriers of cross-border mobility and cooperation in the second key-note.
In the first discussion panel, Academician Tiit Tammaru, Professor of the University of Tartu, Professor Zaiga Krisjane from the University of Latvia and Professor Donatas Burneika from the University of Vilnius will talk about the latest Baltic migration trends. Saara Pellander, Director of the Migration Institute of Finland will chair the second panel which focusses on migration trends in the Nordics and between Estonia and Finland. The panel will also include a short presentation of a new book “Mobility, migration and transnational connections between Estonia and Finland” (edited by Rolle Alho & Kaja Kumer-Haukanõmm).
The conference will be held in cooperation with the Migration Institute of Finland, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration and Welfare, the Nordic Welfare Centre, Nordregio, the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, the Danish Embassy in Tallinn and other partners.
Registration is required for the conference and is open online until 15 September 2020. Register here!
A more detailed description of the event, the programme and the practical information is available here.