VASAB Webinar on Spatial Resilience and Spatial Planning
VASAB Webinar on Spatial Resilience and Spatial Planning
About event
VASAB Webinar on Spatial Resilience and Spatial Planning
29 February 2024, online
In the last couple of years unpredictable events – COVID pandemic, war against Ukraine, energy crisis – have brought many challenges and consequences to the Baltic Sea Region, its regions and cities, while impacts of climate change have also become more visible. These events made even the most extreme regional development scenarios seen overly optimistic.
Coping with these challenges along with adaptation to new EU policies require immediate and flexible approach, and information exchange. Spatial planning has been identified as a valuable mechanism through which an adaptation to various foreseeable as well as unpredictable needs and future scenarios can be facilitated.
Therefore, VASAB Finnish Chairmanship would like to invite you to join the webinar and discuss how spatial planning can foster the spatial resilience of the countries around the Baltic Sea and better prepare themselves for future challenges.
Particularly we will discuss:
- How to take national security policy into account in spatial planning?
- Which questions are highlighted in spatial planning, how resilience can be taken into account on national, regional and local level spatial planning?
- Countries have their own characteristics, such as climate, location, transport systems, as well as the structure of the economy, energy supply and infrastructure. What is the impact of these characteristics?
Facilitator of the webinar: Mr. Janne Antikainen, Director of Development, FCG Finnish Consulting Group
Webinar full agenda is HERE.
Presentation of keynote speaker Mr. Toni Ahlqvist is HERE.
Summary of the webinar is HERE.
Preliminary Programme (all times EET)
Opening words and technical instructions
Anna-Leena Seppälä, Director, Land Use Unit, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Keynote (introductory speech)
Toni Ahlqvist, Research Director, Finland Future Research Centre (FFRC), Docent, Department of Geography and Geology
Presentations by VASAB countries
Pille Metspalu, PhD., Estonia
Timo Turunen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Sebastian Schulz, Project Coordinator, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Presentations by VASAB countries
Kristine Kedo, Head of Spatial Planning Policy Unit, Spatial Planning and Land Management Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
Mindaugas Pakalnis, Head of Urban Planning Unit of the Construction Sector Development Agency, Lithuania
Prof. Bogna Gawrońska-Nowak, Institute of Urban and Regional Development and Krakow University of Economics and Dr. Bartłomiej Sroka, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Poland
Reflections from the VASAB Workshop on “New spatial challenges in the Baltic Sea Region”, September 2022
Jens Kurnol, Head of Unit, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany
Joint discussions/working session
Concluding words