VASAB Conference “Achieving Good Living Environment: territory matters. What’s beyond 2030 for macro-regions?”, Warsaw
VASAB Conference “Achieving Good Living Environment: territory matters. What’s beyond 2030 for macro-regions?”, Warsaw
About event
The main goal of the VASAB Conference “Achieving Good Living Environment: Territory Matters. What`s beyond 2030 for Macro-Region?” which took place in Warsaw, Poland on 7 June 2016 was to bring a regional input to the implementation of European territorial cohesion objective. The event was organised in cooperation with VASAB Polish Chairmanship.
During the Conference current strategic issues and trends in European and regional territorial development (such as a Pact of Amsterdam, Territorial Impact Assessment etc.), place-based approaches in urban development in the Baltic Sea Region and relevant experience from Visegrad countries were presented.
The Conference was organised in the frame of Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 Technical Assistance grant project “HASPS – Horizontal Action “Spatial Planning” Support”.
Agenda of the VASAB Conference “Achieving Good Living Environment: Territory Matters. What`s beyond 2030 for Macro-Region?”
DownloadPractical information
DownloadBaltic Sea Region in Light of ET 2050 Scenario
DownloadCo-operations Inside the Carpathian Region Supporting Endogen Territorial Development of Central and Eastern Europe
DownloadCommon Concept of Future Development of Polish-German Linkages Area 2030
DownloadEU Urban Agenda & Pact of Amsterdam
DownloadGeneral Comparison on Urban Revitalization in the Baltic Sea Region
DownloadLinking Urban and Territorial Dimension in European Policies
DownloadMethods and Instruments Used for Urban Revitalization in Latvia
DownloadNational Urban Development Policy of Belarus
DownloadRole of Polycentric Development and Capital Cities in the Future Prosperity of Central Europe
DownloadRole of Polycentric Development and Capital Cities in the Future Prosperity of Central Europe
DownloadSwedish Platform for Sustainable City Development
DownloadTerritorial Impact Assessment of European Policies
DownloadUrban Issues in Polish Strategic Documents
DownloadVASAB Study on Development of Cities in the Baltic Sea Region