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VASAB High Level Expert and Stakeholders Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning Challenges in the Baltic Sea, Vilnius

VASAB High Level Expert and Stakeholders Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning Challenges in the Baltic Sea, Vilnius

15 October 2009

VASAB High Level Expert and Stakeholders Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning Challenges in the Baltic Sea, Vilnius

About event

VASAB Expert and Stakeholder Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning Challenges in the Baltic Sea, in Vilnius, on 15 October 2009 was organized to propose further steps towards development of MSP in the BSR in dialogue with experts and stakeholders. It underlined the role of VASAB as promoter and knowledge base of MSP in the Region. Outcome of the workshop was reported to the VASAB Ministerial Conference on the next day, 16 October, 2009.


Find the presentations here.