VASAB webinar on project idea development
VASAB webinar on project idea development
VASAB webinar on project idea development
Interested in preparation of a project application addressing spatial planning? Looking for like-minded peers to join the forces and work together? Having ideas on how to tackle territorial challenges?
Project developers, spatial planning enthusiasts and EUSBSR policy area coordinators are welcome to join the VASAB webinar on project idea development on 19th January 2024, at 9:00CET/10:00EET. Main goal of the webinar is to promote development of project ideas addressing various territorial challenges and where the spatial planning can play a key role.
Recent events have brought many challenges and consequences to the Baltic Sea Region, while impacts of climate change have also become more visible. Coping with these challenges along with adaptation to new EU policies requires an immediate and flexible approach. Spatial planning has been identified as a valuable mechanism through which an adaptation to various foreseeable as well as unpredictable needs and future scenarios can be facilitated. In this regard in 2023 VASAB ministers endorsed the VASAB Vision 2040 which sets territorial development perspective for diverse, resilient and well-connected Baltic Sea Region. The webinar will serve as the next step towards more targeted implementation of the Vision and particularly will focus on such issues as:
- Good quality of life and adaptation policies in carbon neutral and resilient cities
- Multimodal and integrated mobility and transport connections
- Secure, climate proofing and decentralized energy systems
- Sustainable blue economy and environmental protection in coastal areas and at the sea
The webinar will bring together stakeholders considering project needs, proposals or looking for other partners to jointly discuss potential project ideas supporting the implementation of VASAB Vision 2040 and promoting spatial planning as an enabler for green and just transition.
Please download the webinar agenda here.
Registration was open till 16 January 2024.
Link to the webinar will be provided to registered participants shortly before the event.
VASAB serves as the platform for macro-regional cooperation among ministries on spatial planning and development. It is acting as thematic coordinator for spatial planning within EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The webinar is organized with support of Interreg BSR Programme 2021-2027 project “Policy area ‘Spatial Planning’ support” (PASPS).
Agenda (all times EET)
Opening & introduction
Role of VASAB & PA Spatial Planning
Introduction to group work
Comfort break
Work in 4 parallel groups:
Group 1: Good quality of life and adaptation policies in carbon neutral and resilient cities
Group 2: Multimodal and integrated mobility and transport connections
Group 3: Secure, climate proofing and decentralized energy systems
Group 4: Sustainable blue economy and environmental protection in coastal areas and at the sea
Comfort break
Presentation of group results
Feedback, next steps
Closing webinar
Bookings are closed for this event.
VASAB webinar on project idea development