The € 3,7 m project BaltSeaPlan (2009-2012) accompanied the EU Maritime Policy by supporting the introduction of Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning and preparation of National Maritime Strategies within Baltic Sea Region. It also contributed to the implementation of the HELCOM recommendation on broad-scale Maritime Spatial Planning and the VASAB Vilnius Declaration.
a) Improve the joint information base / stocktaking
b) Include Spatial Planning in National Maritime Strategies
c) Develop a Common Spatial Vision for the Baltic Sea
d) Demonstrate MSP in 8 pilot areas: Danish Straights / T-Route (DK), Pomeranian Bight (DE/DK/SE/PL), Western Gulf of Gdansk (PL), Middle Bank (SE/PL), Lithuanian Coast (LT), Western Coast of Latvia (LV), Pärnu Bay (EE), Hiiumaa and Saaremaa Islands (EE)
e) Lobbying and capacity building for MSP
Project web page:
On 19 March 2012 VASAB CSPD/BSR acknowledged the BaltSeaPlan Vision 2030 as important input towards common understanding of MSP in the BSR.