Project implementation
NESBp implementation
To successfully implement the project and achieve its objectives, the work is organized into four key thematic areas.
Expected results
- Evaluation of maritime spatial plans related to work package topics.
- Impact on MSP development and implementation and practice in terms of better networks, organizational memory, sharing of knowledge and more informed decisions.
- Dissemination and knowledge transfer of eMSP NBSR project outcomes through participation in GNSBI technical working track groups.
- Development and strengthening of knowledge sharing platform.
- Organization of kick-off meeting and Final Conference and support to other related MSP events and forums, such as the EU Maritime Day and the Blue Forum, to support knowledge transfer and building cooperation among North Sea (and Baltic Sea) countries.
- Support multi-use in design, combining ecosystem based approach with sustainable blue economy activities through a practical concept.
- Gap analyses and cumulative assessments on maritime spatial plans and related topics.
Impact and achievements
Foreseen impact is to support the GNSBI into a full development, as a coherent and comprehensive cooperation around the North Sea basin, and in close cooperation with the Baltic Sea region. The project aims to facilitate coherent and coordinated MSP plans across the North Sea basin. Support the implementation of the MSP Directive through policy advice related to the ambitions of the European Green Deal.