VASAB Stakeholder Meeting „Creating synergies for well-integrated and coherent Baltic Sea Region" on 12 December 2013, Helsinki
Challenges of spatial planning on landscape level, 28.06.2018
DownloadEastern Neighbourhood and Baltic Sea Region, 28.06.2018
DownloadGulf of Finland Year 2014, 28.06.2018
DownloadInvitation to VASAB stakeholder meeting „Creating synergies for a well-integrated and coherent Baltic Sea Region”, Helsinki, 12 December 2013, 28.06.2018
DownloadMonitoring and evaluation of territorial development processes in the Baltic Sea Region, 28.06.2018
DownloadAgenda of VASAB Stakeholder Meeting „Creating synergies for well-integrated and coherent Baltic Sea Region”, 28.06.2018
DownloadBaltic Metropoles, 28.06.2018
DownloadRail Baltica Growth Corridor – Promoting Competitiveness and Accessibility, 28.06.2018
DownloadVASAB – Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea, 28.06.2018
DownloadVASAB Long-Term Perspective Progress Report, 28.06.2018
DownloadVASAB Stakeholder Meeting Report, 12 december 2013, Helsinki, 28.06.2018