eMSP NBSR project speaks on achieved results

eMSP NBSR project provided a platform for marine spatial planners and other experts to collaboratively advance MSP practice. It addressed urgent and emerging MSP topics through a community of practice-based approach that enabled joint learning across professions and across the North Sea and Baltic Sea areas.


Policy briefs on Maritime Spatial Planning related topics of Ocean governance, Ecosystem-based approach, Good Environmental Status, Monitoring and Evaluation, Data Sharing, Sustainable Blue Economy, Multi-use, European Green Deal, Climate Change and Climate-neutrality targets as the final results and recommendations of the project were delivered in January 2024. And broader discussion took place at the project’s final conference. At the same time it was suggested that the gained momentum would be good to use for more disseminate activities to popularise findings among stakeholders. The eMSP NBSR project received extension period until July 2024 and Main tasks during this period were related to bigger outreach. This included:

  • preparation of the “Oysters with a pearl” podcast series presenting the key outcomes of the eMSP NBSR project, now available here;
  • workshop “eMSP in a nutshell” at the European Maritime Day 2024 which was held on 31 May in Svendborg, Denmark. During this event in interactive way 60 participants discussed selected project’s recommendations under the umbrella of transitions in the EU Sea basins, aiming at the energy, nature and food transitions under the European Green Deal. Read about the workshop and results here.


VASAB Secretariat is a partner of the eMSP NBSR project (Emerging Ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning Topics in the North and Baltic Sea Regions) and is responsible for the overall communication of the project. Project has been approved by the European Commission European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Project is financed with the contribution of the European Union.