ESPON project BT2050: Territorial scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region
The ESPON project ‘Territorial scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region (BT 2050)’, initiated by VASAB countries, started in November 2018 and will last until October 2019. The objective is to develop territorial scenarios for the BSR to contribute to cooperation between BSR countries on territorial development, increase evidence based on the territorial dimension of the EU Strategy for the BSR, as well as be beneficial to EU Member States’ policy making.
By active involvement of VASAB countries as stakeholders, will be given the answers to the following policy questions:
- What are the main processes, factors, obstacles, drivers that will shape spatial development and integration of the BSR by 2030 and 2050?
- What kind of synergies and conflicts exist between those?
- What are the long-term trends and what are their main territorial impacts?
- Which territorial development and spatial integration scenarios can the BSR face by 2050?
- What are the policy implications of these scenarios?
- Shall the VASAB vision and long-term perspective be altered?
The project outcomes will serve as an input to further forward-looking activities of VASAB. The project is executed by the consortium led by Nordregio.
More information about the project here.