VASAB at #EURegionsWeek 2022
VASAB at #EURegionsWeek 2022
About event
VASAB workshop “Visions and strategies in new reality:
adaptive spatial measures for European regions and cities” within the 20th European Week of Regions and Cities
Today Europe faces significant crisis and is entering uncharted situation – how regions and cities can prepare for that? How spatial approaches can help to react and prepare for unknown, meanwhile, not to hinder long-term sustainability goals and green, just, digital transition? Nowadays more than ever global community needs to work together and find ways out of global crisis. Solidarity and collaboration on immediate adaptations to strategies, actions and patterns taken so far across various governance levels, sectors and borders can help tackling those challenges and uncertainties.
VASAB workshop, organized within 20th #EURegionsWeek 2022 on 13th October, demonstrated adaptive spatial planning and territorial cooperation measures that could be taken on board at various governance levels as response to the new geopolitical dynamics, meanwhile ensuring the successful transition towards green, just, more digital and resilient Europe, its regions and cities. Workshop can serve as an inspiration for future cooperation and spatial policies, as well as feed into the new draft VASAB Vision 2040 that is currently under development.
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy. It discusses common challenges for Europe’s regions and cities and examine possible solutions by bringing together politicians, decision-makers, experts and practitioners of cohesion policy, as well as stakeholders from business, banking, civil society organisations, academia, the EU institutions and the media.
Under the motto “New challenges for Europe`s cohesion”, this year`s edition will focus on four main themes: Green transition, Territorial Cohesion, Digital transition and Youth empowerment. The #EURegionsWeek 2022 took place online from 10 to 13 October 2022. More information of #EURegionsWeek2022 is available HERE.
Record of the VASAB workshop is available at #EURegionsWeek2022 platform.
Workshop materials – agenda, report and presentations are available below.
Workshop was organized with support of Interreg BSR Programme 2021-2027 project “PASPS – Policy Area ‘Spatial Planning’ Support”.
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Workshop agenda (CEST)
Opening & welcoming
Workshop moderator -
Jens Kurnol / Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development
Welcoming by Daniel Meltzian / Chair of VASAB CSPD/BSR / Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building
Thematic insight pitches
ESPON - Inspire Policy Making with Territorial Evidence:
Wiktor Szydarowski / Director of ESPON EGTC
TA2030 Pilot Action “Understanding how sector policies shape spatial (im)balances”:
Patrycja Artymowska / Polish Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
Interreg BSR Programme 2021-2027
Elena Kolosova / Advisor for External Cooperation
VASAB Vision 2040
Daniel Meltzian / Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building
French-German cross-border spatial planning simulation:
Christina Bezes – Feldmeyer, French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion
Q & A session among participants and presenters
Wrapping up & closing by moderator
Workshop materials
Workshop Agenda
DownloadWorkshop Report
DownloadPitch presentation 1 - ESPON thematic insight: regional scenarios on the impacts of COVID, the war against Ukraine and climate change by Wiktor Szydarowski
DownloadPitch presentation 2 - TA2030 pilot action on Territorial Impact Assessment by Patrycja Artymowska
DownloadPitch presentation 3 - Interreg BSR Programme by Elena Kolosova
DownloadPitch presentation 4 - VASAB Vision 2040 by Daniel Meltzian
DownloadPitch presentation 5 - French German cross border spatial planning simulation by Christina Bezes-Feldmeyer