VASAB workshop on Assessment of Regional Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2013-2020, Gdansk
VASAB workshop on Assessment of Regional Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2013-2020, Gdansk
About event
The workshop assessed introduction of maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region and identified the interests and future needs beyond the current Roadmap. The event was organized in a form of active discussions where participants dealing or closely linked to the maritime spatial planning had an opportunity to share their experience, opinions and expectations. The workshop also included an outline of the work being done by the joint HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group and an input from several ongoing maritime spatial planning projects in the Baltic Sea area.
Presentation: BONUS BaltSpace. Reflections on issues of importance for MSP processes in the BSR
Presentation: Baltic SCOPE. Conclusions from transborder sector discussions