Final Baltic LINes project partner meeting was held in Riga

The 7th Baltic LINes project partner meeting took place on 13 – 14 November 2018 in Riga, Latvia. This was the last meeting before the final conference on 13 – 14 February 2019 in Hamburg, Germany.

During the meeting the Baltic LINes project partners discussed the current status of the project development and future actions. They presented some of their results for planning criteria, data as well as energy report. They looked also back to the energy sector stakeholder workshop in Copenhagen in October 2018 and showed the results of the meeting in the MSP Challenge software. Another topic was the project recommendations. Baltic LINes partners thought about the structure and the content of possible project recommendations and the possible target groups.

The meeting’s highlight was the discussion of the final conference – Connecting Seas. Project partners were introduced with the organizational issues of the conference and presented with a 3-minute pitch an illustration of their ideas for organising 9 interactive workshops.

The final conference will be organised together with the sister project NorthSEE in Hamburg on 13 – 14 February 2019. This will be the last project event, where more than 200 participants from the MSP community representing different ministries and authorities, stakeholders from the shipping, energy and environment sector, transnational organisations and initiatives, NGOs as well as research institutes from the North Sea and Baltic Sea Regions will meet. Save the date and join the NorthSEE and Baltic LINes MSP conference – Connecting Seas. Register soon on