VASAB is intergovernmental multilateral co-operation of the Baltic Sea Region in spatial planning and development, guided by the Conference of Ministers responsible for spatial planning and development, steered by the Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region (CSPD/BSR) composed of representatives of respective ministries and regional authorities (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein regions in Germany).
Participation of Belarus and Russia is suspended from 4 March 2022.
How does VASAB work?
VASAB prepares policy options for the territorial development of the Baltic Sea Region and provides a forum for exchange of know-how on spatial planning and development between the Baltic Sea countries:
- Recommend transnational policy measures;
- Promote methodology development;
- Promote co-operation projects;
- Co-operate with other cross-BSR initiatives;
- Promote a dialogue with sector institutions.
VASAB is integrated into the network of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) organizations.
The VASAB budget is financed by annual contributions from the VASAB Member States according to annual budgets approved by the CSPD/BSR.