Join VASAB Webinar on National Level Spatial Planning
The VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region (VASAB CSPD/BSR) is chaired by Estonia from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. As part of its priorities, the Estonian Chairmanship aims to strengthen collaboration among land-based spatial planners and fully utilize VASAB as an informal hub for sharing knowledge and best practices among practitioners in spatial planning. Estonia is currently preparing a new national spatial strategy that focuses on promoting regional equity and ensuring high-quality, sustainable spatial decisions across all levels of governance. This webinar will serve as an opportunity for experts from Baltic Sea Region countries to exchange insights and share experiences related to national-level spatial policies.
Webinar registration is HERE.
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11:00 – 13:00 Presentations by the OECD, Poland, Germany, Latvia
Andrés Fuentes Hutfilter, PhD, Senior Economist, Head of Unit. Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
Jaebeum Cho, PhD, Economist and Policy Analyst. Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
Kinga Stańczuk-Olejnik, Counsellor. Territorial Development Unit, Strategy Department, Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
Jürgen Neumüller, PhD, Head of European Spatial Development Section. Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin – Brandenburg
Kristīne Kedo, Head of Spatial Planning Policy Unit. Spatial Planning and Land Management Department, Latvian Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development
13:00 – 13:30 Break
13:30 – 15:00 Presentations by Finland, Lithuania, Estonia
Timo Turunen, Senior Ministerial Advisor. Finnish Ministry of the Environment
Mindaugas Pakalnis, Head of Urban Planning Unit. Lithuanian Public Institution Construction Sector Development Agency
Anna Semjonova, Advisor. Spatial Planning Department, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
15:00 – 16:30 Reflection and discussion
Pille Metspalu, PhD, Head of Spatial Planning Unit. Hendrikson DGE. Spatial Planning Researcher, University of Tartu
All participants