Meet VASAB, PA Spatial Planning and projects at the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2024

During the Annual Forum of the EUSBSR in Visby on 29–31 October 2024 VASAB, PA Spatial Planning and projects will be glad to share the knowledge and mingle!


29 October 09:30–11:30 ● VASAB will join national coordinators and policy areas at round table on stakeholder involvement in the update of the EUSBSR Action Plan organised by Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC), the CPMR-Baltic Sea Commission and the Union of Baltic Cities (UBC). Expectations towards the update of the Action Plan 2024-2025 will be in focus as well as the perspectives and best practices how local and regional authorities and cities and regions are involved in the EUSBSR today and what is there for the future?


30-31 October ● Look for VASAB/ PA Spatial Planning stand at the Networking Village. Especially mark in you schedule and visit dedicated timeslots (see in picture below) when Interreg BSR projects SUMPs for BSR, Baltic Sea2Land and We make transition! will be ready to discuss their ambitions, progress and solutions. Furthermore during all days stand will be offering insights on VASAB Vision 2040. And by the way PA Spatial Planning co-coordinators VASAB and HELCOM stands will be next to each other, so we cordially invite you to come by! Read more.


30 October 16:30-18:00, Session 3 ● Seminar “Designing Liveable Cities in the Baltic Sea Region” organised by  Interreg BSR project Liveability/ UBC Planning Cities Commission, VASAB Secretariat (in coop. with PA Spatial Planning) will:

  • Engage participants in a discussion about what makes their cities liveable right now and in the future
  • Introduce the ‘Charter for Designing the Liveable City’ and explore public interest design as a possible path towards enhanced liveability
  • Feature the launch the ‘liveable cities’ label and network, a joint endeavour of the ‘Liveability’ project and the Union of Baltic Cities
  • Outline potential future actions envisaged by the VASAB Vision 2040 for cities and towns striving to become more liveable.

We hope to see you as among participants! Read more.


Programme and more information about the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2024 is here.