Methodology for the update of VASAB Long-Term Perspective approved

On 22 April 2021 the VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development for the Baltic Sea Region agreed on the Methodology for the update of VASAB Long-Term Perspective for the Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region, elaborated by experts from Spatial Foresight GmbH and Nordregio. The Methodology describes intended update process, overall approach and tasks, stakeholder involvement and communication.

The update is intended as open, participatory and co-creative process together with the VASAB stakeholders and thematic experts in the Baltic Sea Region, and will capitalize findings and lessons learnt. The online stakeholder survey and series of external online workshops are intended this autumn to shape the thematic relevance and gain inputs  and verification for the update of VASAB Long-Term Perspective. Particularly, the workshops will discuss current challenges, trends and developments, relevant policies, as well as potential roles and cooperation to embed the VASAB Long-Term Perspective successfully.

Update will take place by the end of 2022, led by Spatial Foresight and Nordregio and steered by VASAB Committee. Those who are interested to take part in the stakeholder activities envisaged this autumn, are kindly invited to sign up to the VASAB Stakeholder list here:

The Methodology Report for the Update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective for the Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region is available here.