Policy Area “Spatial Planning” Support 3

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 project.

Project’s lifetime: June 2018 – December 2021166
Budget: € 235 288,58
Project lead partner: VASAB Secretariat
Project partner: HELCOM Secretariat

The project aims to support objectives assigned in the PA “Spatial Planning” of the EUSBSR, co-led by HELCOM and VASAB and it builds on the coordination activities started within the previous HASPS project (2015/2016) and HASPS 2 project (2016/2018).

The main focus of PA “Spatial Planning” in previous years has been the introduction and implementation of MSP in member states around the Baltic Sea. Taking into account the ongoing progress on MSP, HASPS 3 will make sure that the strategic target has been achieved by the end of the project, i.e. 2020/21. The activities also will consider focus areas of regional cooperation after 2020, especially considering the upcoming revision processes of EUSBSR Action Plan and Regional MSP Roadmap, as well as Baltic Sea Action Plan.


Particularly the HASPS 3 will focus on:

  • Strengthening the coordination of strategic management of the PA “Spatial Planning” by improving the coordination between the two its Steering groups (VASAB CSPD/BSR and the joint HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG) and reporting on latest updates and activities related to EUSBSR, ensuring the availability and circulation of the information concerning PA “Spatial Planning”, as well as improving the decision making thus avoiding the duplication of work.
  • Enhancing links between PA “Spatial Planning” and implementation of the Regional Baltic MSP Roadmap and EU MSP Directive (2014/89/EU) concerning the coherence of the maritime spatial plans and promoting activities towards transboundary MSP data availability. The project will assist in setting the agenda and ensuring the outputs of the MSP Data group accordingly to the Work Plan 2017-2019 of the joint HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG .
  • Enhancing outreach and integration of HA “Spatial Planning” to other regional and European activities (e.g., EUSSBR Annual Forums, European Maritime Days, MSP Conferences etc.). The project will enable outreaching and communication activities to inform other relevant EUSSBR coordinators (e.g., PA Transport, PA Energy etc.), regional stakeholders and authorities at different levels about its aims and contributions needed in order to continue closer cooperation. This also concerns HELCOM and its various groups, where information exchange and cooperation is needed to fulfil the aims of PA “Spatial Planning”, in particular with HELCOM groups dealing with fisheries, safety of navigation and marine protected areas/nature conservation.
  • Following-up the implementation of the current projects and Flagships, their outputs and interact with the project partners.

Read more about PA “Spatial Planning” and the EUSBSR here.