VASAB Stakeholder Workshop on 15 May 2018 in Brussels
Many know that Baltic Sea Region had the first macro-regional strategy in the European Union. But not so many realize that macro-regional cooperation in the Baltics takes place for many decades.
What is the added-value of macro-regional cooperation? What are the benefits of common actions and mutual knowledge as the main pillars fostering coherent and sustainable regional development in three themes: urban networking and urban–rural cooperation, internal and external accessibility and maritime spatial planning? What are the future challenges and opportunities for macro-regional cooperation after 2020? These will be the main topics for discussion of the VASAB workshop on 15 May 2018.
VASAB (“Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea”) is intergovernmental multilateral co-operation of 11 countries of the Baltic Sea Region in spatial planning and development, both EU and non-EU countries guided by the Conference of Ministers responsible for spatial planning and development, steered by the Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region (CSPD/BSR) composed of representatives of respective ministries and regional authorities (Germany, Russia).
VASAB cooperation is the first macro-regional collaboration in Europe dealing with territorial development, common vision and joint actions of the region. It was founded in 1992. On 2009 it agreed on Long-Term Perspective for Territorial Development of the Region.
Policy makers and stakeholders involved in macro-regional development and cooperation concerning urban planning, accessibility and maritime spatial planning at EU, macro-regional and national level are invited to participate in this workshop. It also addresses the practioners and researchers interested in macro-regional topicalities.
Download workshop presentations HERE.