Planners` Forum

MSP Planners` Forum

Planners` Forum is a place for  informal collaboration among MSP practitioners. Planners` Forums were started during Pan Baltic Scope project, continued during Capacity4MSP project platform built up and lead by Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. With the start of PASPS project, facilitation of Planners` Forums has been taken over by VASAB Secretariat.

During Planners` Forums participants discuss pressing MSP issues, knowledge gaps and future MSP project needs. Planners` Forum is dedicated for informal exchange among maritime spatial planners. Planners` Forum meetings happen biannually. The work is interlinked with the processes within the HELCOM-VASAB MSP Working Group.


Notes from MSP Planners` Forums

Notes from the 1st MSP Planners` Forum within PASPS project (04 November 2022) can be read here.

Notes from the 2nd MSP Planners` Forum within PASPS project (8 March 2023) can be read here.

Notes from the 3rd MSP Planners` Forum within PASPS project (28 November 2023) can be read here.

Notes from the 4th MSP Planners` Forum within PASPS project (18 April 2024) can be read here.


Previous MSP Planners` Forums

Results from MSP Planning Forum within Pan Baltic Scope project can be found here.

Outcomes from Planners Dialogue within the Capacity4MSP project platform can be found here.