Cultural Heritage, Recreation and Tourism, 28.06.2018
DownloadEnergy Transmission Operators, 28.06.2018
DownloadFisheries, 28.06.2018
DownloadIntroduction to the topic: what is MSP and what is not, 28.06.2018
DownloadAchievements of the joint HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group and Regional Baltic MSP Roadmap 2020, 28.06.2018
DownloadMulti-level participation in MSP, 28.06.2018
DownloadPartiSEApate project results and recommendations for transboundary MSP cooperation and consultation process, 28.06.2018
DownloadReflections on MSP in Europe, 28.06.2018
DownloadTowards Blue Growth in the Baltics: Different Stakeholder Perspectives on the benefits of MSP around the Baltic Sea. Introduction, 28.06.2018
DownloadTransnational Cooperation for MSP, 28.06.2018
DownloadWind Energy, 28.06.2018