Register to Online Seminar on Coastal Planning and Development in BSR

Register and join seminar «Towards updated Coastal Planning and Development Recommendations for the Baltic Sea Region».

The seminar will cover topics and issues relevant to coastal areas in the Baltic Sea – participants will get introduced to some best practices of costal strategies and development principles aligned to contemporary challenges (with examples from Finland, Lithuania and Latvia). Furthermore, participants will get informed and discuss the update of the current version of the Common Recommendations for Spatial Planning of the Coastal Zone in the Baltic Sea Region (available here).


Seminar will take place 20 November 2024 | 9:00-11:30 CET (10:00-12:30 EET) | Online.

Preliminary Agenda is available here.


Register via this link by 13 November.


Seminar is organised within the Baltic Sea2Land project which is financed with the contribution of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region.