0-1 Jacek Szlachta The role of spatial planning and regional cooperation, 28.06.2018
Download0-2 Tālis Linkaits VASAB at the glance, 28.06.2018
Download1-1 Jacek Zaucha Cities and Urban Revitalization in the Baltic Sea Region, 28.06.2018
Download1-2 Eva Schweitzer German concept of Smart Cities, 28.06.2018
Download2-1 Klaus Spiekermann VASAB Study on Accessibility in the Baltic Sea Region, 28.06.2018
Download2-2 Liene Stikāne Towards common vision for the North Sea-Baltic Corridor, 28.06.2018
Download3-1 Katarzyna Krzywda Regional cooperation on MSP, 28.06.2018
Download3-2 Ingela Isaksson Towards coherent MSP and long-lasting macro-regional cooperation, 28.06.2018
Download3-3 Henning Sten Hansen Linking practice with science – benefit for MSP, 28.06.2018