Workshop Multi-level governance

Workshop ‘Multi-level governance’

Connecting Seas conference, 13 February 2019

Nothing says “Romance!” like the idea of ‘multi-level governance’ in relation to Maritime Spatial Planning!

OK – maybe not, but come and spend the day before St. Valentine’s Day with colleagues who are trying to create a harmonious relationship between different interests involved in the sustainable use and development of marine resources in the Baltic and North Sea.

Good communication is the foundation for positive relationships and this workshop will address the lessons learned from the Baltic LINes projects on transboundary consultations and the NorthSEE initiative’s assessment of the role of Regions in marine planning as well as will explain the first findings of assessing the application of the Baltic Sea Common Regional MSP Framework.

Additionally, so no-one can be accused of not listening to their partners as this special day approaches, come and give us the benefit of your experiences on what we can learn from each other across sea basins and how we can best make use of the projects’ recommendations in real life. And, as we start to contemplate life beyond the implementation of the MSP Directive’s requirements in 2021, what should be the topics that we address beyond that date, allowing our coastal and marine resources to have a ‘happy ever after’ future?

We look forward to spending this day with you!

Presentations and speakers