Why important?
During the last decade significant progress has been achieved in building cooperation networks and creating a strong policy background for maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region. Nearly all Baltic Sea Region countries are engaged in MSP processes and are in various stages of preparation of their maritime plans, making our Region a front-runner in Europe and the world.
How it works?
Capacity4MSP will create a practically oriented and interactive collaboration platform for knowledge exchange and intensified dialogue between MSP practitioners, policy- and decision-makers and other stakeholders. It will increase the visibility and impact of projects, build up potential synergies, deepen and widen gained know-how by synthesizing, amplifying and transferring the project outcomes to new practical solutions.
A regular dialogue with stakeholders is a crucial part of Capacity4MSP. By collecting and discussing lessons learned in previous MSP projects and national MSP processes, project will ensure efficient and value-added knowledge-transfer within and outside the Region and across various sectors and governance levels.
Main project outputs:
1. Synthesis report based on outcomes of relevant MSP-related projects in correlation with ongoing MSP processes and activities in the BSR countries
2. Identified support mechanisms for the implementation of the MSP including:
2.1. Report on identified support mechanisms for the implementation of MSP encompassing conclusions
2.2. User guide and visualization material of BASEMAPS available for MSP data providers
2.3. A proposal of an institutionalised tool for a regular follow up of the regional MSP commitments in the BSR
2.4. MSP roadmap for Russia
3. Thematic multi-level and cross-sectoral workshops
4. Planners Forum meetings
5. Integrated report on MSP stakeholder involvement engagement
6. Final conference jointly organised with the 4th Baltic MSP Forum

Who is involved?
Lead partner: VASAB Secretariat
Project Partners:
Aalborg University (DK)
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SE)
Ministry of Environment and Regional Development of Latvia (LV)
Scientific and Research Institute of Maritime Spatial Planning Ermak NorthWest Limited liability company (RU)
Submariner Network for Blue Growth (DE)
Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RU)
Gdynia Maritime University (PL)
Associated Organizations:
Finnish Heritage Agency, The Baltic Region Heritage Committee (FI)
Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia (LV)
Danish Maritime Authority (DK)
Ministry of Justice, European Affairs, Consumer Protection and Equality (DE)
HA Spatial Planning (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG)
Maritime Office Gdynia (PL)
Danish Maritime Authority (DK)
Estonian Ministry of Finance (EE)
Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation (PL)
Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Digitalization (DE)
Leontief Centre (RU)
University of Tartu (EE)
Federal Public Service of Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (BE)
Finnish Ministry of the Environment (FI)
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (DE)
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania (LT)